martedì 20 dicembre 2011

Hanukkah biscuits

Tonigh is the first of the 8 Hannukah days, the Jewish Festival of Lights.
Last year I showed you my sufganiot and this year I want to celebrate with you all offering some Menorah  biscuits. We will eat them in front of our first candle light.

Are your lights ready to be lit?

What you need (for about 30 biscuits):
  • 6 tbsp flour
  • 2 tbsp potato flour
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • g 150 butter (or margarine)
  • 1 egg
  • 1g vanilla flavoring
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 lemon zest
  • 1 pinch of salt
For the icing:
  • g 200 icing sugar
  • juice of 1/2 orange
  • g 100 dark chocolate
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • colored gel pens (for me yellow and blue)
  • in a bowl mix together all the ingredients with the melted butter
  • work the dought until it forms a ball and keep it in the fridge for 15 minutes
  • put the oven at 180°C
  • from the dought have your biscuits with the stencils (or just cut them as you like)
  • let cook in the oven for 10 minutes and let them cold
  • prepare the glass mixing the icing sugar with the orange juice (just put 1tbsp and turn until the glass is done)
  • spread the glass on the cookies and decor with gel pens or with chocolate (melted with some hot milk)
Very simple to do and so nice to have on your table during all Hannnukah time.

Happy Hannukah!!

8 commenti:

  1. che meraviglia, complimenti, sono stupendi

  2. Chag Sameah, carissima.
    sono da tempo alla ricerca del cutter a forma di Magen David e lo sai che non l'ho trovato? a Parigi ne ho visti solo di enormi.
    bellissimi biscotti.

  3. @Elena: grazie e sono anche buoni!
    @Eleonora: Chag Sameah a te! Gli stampini MD li ho trovati veramente per caso dopo tante ricerche! E non è stato facile!

  4. Sono bellissimi i tuoi biscotti, complimenti davvero!!! Auguroni di un sereno e gioioso Natale!! Un abbraccio

  5. Looks delicious! Have a wonderful holiday!

  6. happy hannuka, hai unito la tradizione dolciaria sarda, quei biscotti mi ricordano qualcosa e quella ebraica :-)

  7. Amo i biscotti preparati per occasioni particolari.
    Serene e gioiose feste!
    E un abbraccio!

  8. ciaoo...bellissimo post
    passa da me se ti fa piacere :)
