domenica 8 gennaio 2012

After Holidays Password: Recycle!

These days newspapers, blogs and web sites are full of recipes with "diets after holidays". So many different diets soon after so many different holidays recipes.
It's crazy! First they pushed us to "cook and eat" and now they push to the reverse: "stop and diet". Well, they feel mi like a robot, a machine that follow the web world orders. Are we really runned from someone else no matter what we like or what we need? 
Maybe it's just our life. We really like "cook and eat" and soon after "stop and diet". And we like first to have directions and suggestions for cook and soon after we like wait for suggestions and directions for diets. So the web world (foodblogs, websites, newspapers) just follow our requests.
Or maybe be both of them.
Let's think about it...

First, what everyday worries me is not throw leftover food. And in these days we cooked a lot, so for sure there are a lot of cooked and halfcooked leftover food on our fridge. Please don't throw it! Try to recycle and reuse it!
Here a good suggestion for some usually half cooked food leftover on your (our) fridge.

What I had to reuse in my fridge:
boiled potatoes
boiled spinach

What I added:
extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt

Here is what I did:
  • in a pan I put some oil (about 4 tblsp) and the potatoes cut in not too thin slices and I let to cook for 5 mintues;
  • I add spinach and let cook more 5 minutes
  • at the last I add the egg, a pinch of salt, I cover and let it cook for more 7-8 minutes
So in less than 20 minutes I had a simple and delicious lunch.
Leftovers disappeared, my fridge says "thank you!"

6 commenti:

  1. D'accordissimo, altro che dieta post abbuffate, servono idee per riciclare le montagne di cibo avanzate!!
    E la tua idea mi piace molto :-)

  2. si si, anch'io non posso che unirmi al coro di chi dice: w il riciclo. Mi sa che ce n'è proprio bisogno Piatto delizioso, bravissima. Un bacione

  3. I piatti del riciclo sono sempre ottimi e ci lavano la coscienza...intanto continuiamo a mangiare!
